我5月份都有去 開平碉樓, 時間關係未去晒全部。 同你用半紅外線攝影感覺唔同, 你係改機的嗎? 在我網站: Travel -- 開平碉樓
Sheena Lau
Hong Kong Post # 29 28.10.2009 | 18:50 |
I plan to Cambodia and found your web page. It was great. Beautiful photoe, different point of view, excellent arrangement and presentation. After seeing your photos, I want to go immediately. Thanks a lot for sharing.
Joanne Lee
Hong Kong Post # 28 12.10.2009 | 20:54 |
Beautiful photos, beautiful websites, especially love your travel photos!! Add oil.
Ms Gor Gor
Hong Kong Post # 27 07.09.2009 | 11:11 |
Can see you have put a lot of effort on this website, keep @ it. Wish to see more, you have a lot of rooms to improve! Wish you find a lot of 快樂的根源!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for sharing your photos, it is so great to picking up some memories when I was in Mynmar. It didn't change a lot after typhoon, or maybe you just be a snapshot in the best places. Anyway, thank you very much. Best regards, Venice |
Kim Chan
Post # 23 22.03.2009 | 00:30 |
好久沒有留言了,但我一直有keep住黎睇你的photoblog 今次一來就看到新的攝影集~真好! 但最近比較忙,等遲點花點時間慢慢欣賞吧~
老Buy 仁
Hong Kong Post # 22 21.03.2009 | 11:11 |
老細你遊記寫既野同你真人有出入. haha... 不過真係寫得好好, 好"人性", 好"真實". 我直頭代入左去想像你所見所聞. 緬甸D相好正, "夢見緬甸"果D係唔係IR相? 你係加Filter定係電腦做架?
Alex Chu
Hong Kong Post # 20 27.01.2009 | 23:41 |
2009年了,無論是新舊朋友,也多謝大家光臨, 旅遊跟攝影一直都是我快樂的根源,隻言片語也是對我很大的鼓勵,牛年的我, 希望可以走得更遠,拍得更多,祝大家身體健康,Happy New Year!
Vincent Wong
Hong Kong Post # 19 25.01.2009 | 18:38 |
Hi Alex,
I am Vincent@ICO. Long time ago, we met at the book store and you told me about your website. Don't know why today I am thinking about this website and have a look. Your photos are great! It is a pleasure to see your pictures. |
Celina Li
Post # 17 07.01.2009 | 15:09 |
Hi, Alex,
Long time no see. Hope can see more pics from you. 亚骏和Celina |
looking for Laos info and thus here. thanks 4 ur sharing! recall my stories in Myanmar. a place worth to go so maybe u can thaink about as ur next stop. below my sharing about Myanmar also looking for Laos info and thus here. thanks 4 ur sharing! recall my stories in Myanmar. a place worth to go so maybe u can thaink about as ur next stop.
老Buy Tang
Hong Kong Post # 12 14.10.2008 | 16:15 |
老朱, 而家先知你原來咁好文采, 咁感性. 剛睇完你柬埔寨d相, 我發現有兩個問題... 第一關於d人像相... 究竟係你搵到d人比你影, 定係d人搵定背景擺定pose等你影呢... 第二... 大家都係out focus, 背光, 反光, 手震, 點解你影果d都係咁靚... 大家都影個天, 點解你個天特別藍... 我個friend讓左部D80比我, 而家仲學緊, 有時間真係要好好請教你. 仲有, 我爭你餐飯, 月底先請你食 (一箭雙鵰) XD
Comment: 老Buy, 先答你上半部問題, 你知我做o野幾求其,我影旅行相都係同一個tone,就是在途中遇到的人, 就隨意snap一下, 因為我相信人們如果不喜歡, 我也影得不會愉快, 當然背景也是求其架是旦位~~ 下半部當然要有飯食先答啦 XD |
老Buy Tang
Hong Kong Post # 11 17.09.2008 | 10:18 |
喂! 你個 '踏破鐵鞋無覓處' 係邊度影嫁?
Comment: 嘩,老Buy,你有冇睇個盜墓者蘿拉第一集? 呢度係其中一個場景,有冇d印象? 好啦, 開估吧, 我走左去吳哥窟一轉~~ |
老buy, 都話你成日誤解我架啦 XD. o個d相係要加IR filter影架, 我個人覺得用電腦轉IR look, 會冇o左d味道~