Keith c
Hong Kong Post # 50 31.05.2011 | 10:44 |
同其他人一樣,都是虚尋找越南資料時發現你的作品 城市郷郊照片豐富多彩,人情味濃厚,冩實又令人有置身越南實感, 非常喜歡這種具深度而真正體會當地文化的游記。 多謝Alex您的分享。
sodakat d
Post # 49 16.05.2011 | 03:54 |
在找越南資料時無意中看到你的blog,閱報你的文字和相片除了得到實用的資 料外,還感受到暖暖的人情味,很讚!有時間再慢慢細味你的其他作品 : )
Hong Kong Post # 48 27.04.2011 | 17:44 |
Thank you for all the beautiful photos and touching words you wrote on the travelogue. For sure, they brightened up my not very bright day today. May your travels keep on giving you new inspirations in your life and work! Thank you once again.
Edward Leung
Hong Kong Post # 47 10.04.2011 | 00:15 |
Hi Alex,
This is Edward of your colleague 10+ years ago. I know this page from old Brian. Quite nice photo you taken in this web page. Enjoy your trip and capture more wonderful moments! Edward |
Tam Tota
United Arab Emirates Post # 46 21.02.2011 | 17:15 |
Thank you for everythink..pic..songs..words.. acts You are truly a great man keep faith and you will reach the sky !! flowerpot
Maggie Mak
Hong Kong Post # 44 02.01.2011 | 14:52 |
你好,很喜歡你寫的遊記,當然重有相片,我覺得你的觸覺好強,你很少個提到旅 遊景點,這是最奇怪的,但又是我最喜歡的,加油呀,我一定會再來睇.
Wong Wingki
Hong Kong Post # 42 15.11.2010 | 15:26 |
我終於識得係度寫野喇~明早就向高棉出發了,期待以久的古都很快就出現在眼前 ,重特地問人借咗部單反影相,新手上路~唔敢期望有你咁高水準,但求見得下人 就偷笑了!(^_&minus−☆
Hi Alex,
在網上找老撾及越南資料時偶然看見你的web-site. 很認同你說 "不喜歡固守規範,所以只鍾情背包遊,世界太大,想去的地方太多,但貧窮落後 的地方最吸引我,除o左價格便宜外,我相信能走入人群,與人溝通和相處,這些 才是旅行的意義。" cheers, ivy |
wai chan
Macau Post # 40 13.09.2010 | 18:06 |
(一個笑容,一句問候,一次失望,一些錯誤,我都希望記錄下來.) 很喜歡這幾句話,也好喜歡你感性的照片和文字。無論是旅途中,人生中,都是永 遠的回憶?天涯海角的浪蕩,生活中的點點滴滴,構成了一生中你我他的故事。
Henry chen
United Kingdom Post # 39 24.06.2010 | 12:28 |
Hi i m a burmese who live in london after living in foreign land for four year i really miss my home and country and thank for sharing these precious photography which brings back a lot of long lost memory of mine and thank again
Juniva Fung
Hong Kong Post # 36 02.05.2010 | 20:42 |
剛為六月的越南之旅搜集資料, 巧遇你的網頁。原本我的旅程打算只留在河內而放棄會安, 但看到你鏡頭下的會安, 令我猶疑了!你的照片令人很窩心, 很有人情味~~要是我也拍出這種味道, 我也不枉此行了~
Hi Alex,
在search 四川旅遊資料中,無意發現你的blog。除照片拍得很美外,最欣賞你寫的旅遊 感受,富文采、人情味濃、彷彿帶讀者親歷旅遊中,每次看你的blog好像去了 一次旅行般,謝謝! 本人很喜歡以小朋友為拍攝對象,不過沒有拍得比你出色! |
Jean Luk
Hong Kong Post # 34 31.03.2010 | 11:41 |
Wow...I like your photos and travelogue very much! Thanks so much for sharing!! (P.S. I went to Vietnam during the Christmas and I have to say, I love Sapa)
s k lee
Canada Post # 32 24.03.2010 | 13:17 |
impressive shots...thanks for sharing. keep on snapping. sis of wallace
Patrick Chong
Hong Kong Post # 31 06.01.2010 | 00:59 |
Your blog is v nice, so as the background music. I look forward to read your new travelogue.
Cheers Patrick |
Hi Edward,真係估唔到有老朋友黎坐,人生冇幾多個十年...,重記得HCG既日子,電腦室裡吹水食T,就好似昨天既事XD,趁我個site重未摺就多d黎坐喇~